Module (chicken string)
This module contains procedures which can perform various useful string operations.
[procedure] (conc X ...)Returns a string with the string-represenation of all arguments concatenated together. conc could be implemented as
(define (conc . args)
(apply string-append (map ->string args)) )
[procedure] (->string X)Returns a string-representation of X.
[procedure] (string-chop STRING LENGTH)Returns a list of substrings taken by chopping STRING every LENGTH characters:
(string-chop "one two three" 4) ==> ("one " "two " "thre" "e")
[procedure] (string-chomp STRING [SUFFIX])If STRING ends with SUFFIX, then this procedure returns a copy of its first argument with the suffix removed, otherwise returns STRING unchanged. SUFFIX defaults to "\n".
[procedure] (string-compare3 STRING1 STRING2)[procedure] (string-compare3-ci STRING1 STRING2)
Perform a three-way comparison between the STRING1 and STRING2, returning either -1 if STRING1 is lexicographically less than STRING2, 0 if it is equal, or 1 if it s greater. string-compare3-ci performs a case-insensitive comparison.
[procedure] (string-intersperse LIST [STRING])Returns a string that contains all strings in LIST concatenated together. STRING is placed between each concatenated string and defaults to " ".
(string-intersperse '("one" "two") "three")
is equivalent to
(apply string-append (intersperse '("one" "two") "three"))
[procedure] (string-split STRING [DELIMITER-STRING [KEEPEMPTY]])Split string into substrings delimited by any of the characters given in the delimiter string. If no delimiters are specified, a string comprising the tab, newline and space characters is assumed. If the parameter KEEPEMPTY is given and not #f, then empty substrings are retained:
(string-split "one two three") ==> ("one" "two" "three") (string-split "foo:bar::baz:" ":" #t) ==> ("foo" "bar" "" "baz" "") (string-split "foo:bar:baz,quux,zot" ":," ) ==> ("foo" "bar" "baz" "quux" "zot")
[procedure] (string-translate STRING FROM [TO])Returns a fresh copy of STRING with characters matching FROM translated to TO. If TO is omitted, then matching characters are removed. FROM and TO may be a character, a string or a list. If both FROM and TO are strings, then the character at the same position in TO as the matching character in FROM is substituted.
[procedure] (string-translate* STRING SMAP)Substitutes elements of STRING according to SMAP. SMAP should be an association-list where each element of the list is a pair of the form (MATCH . REPLACEMENT). Every occurrence of the string MATCH in STRING will be replaced by the string REPLACEMENT:
(string-translate* "<h1>this is a \"string\"</h1>" '(("<" . "<") (">" . ">") ("\"" . """)) ) => "<h1>this is a "string"</h1>"
[procedure] (substring=? STRING1 STRING2 [START1 [START2 [LENGTH]]])[procedure] (substring-ci=? STRING1 STRING2 [START1 [START2 [LENGTH]]])
Returns #t if the strings STRING1 and STRING2 are equal, or #f otherwise. The comparison starts at the positions START1 and START2 (which default to 0), comparing LENGTH characters (which defaults to the minimum of the remaining length of both strings).
[procedure] (substring-index MAYBE-SUBSTRING STRING [START])[procedure] (substring-index-ci MAYBE-SUBSTRING STRING [START])
Searches for first index in string STRING where string MAYBE-SUBSTRING occurs. If the optional argument START is given, then the search starts at that index. substring-index-ci is a case-insensitive version of substring-index.
[procedure] (reverse-list->string LIST)Returns a string with the characters in LIST in reverse order. This is equivalent to (list->string (reverse LIST)), but much more efficient.
[procedure] (reverse-string-append LIST)(apply string-append (reverse LIST))
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